piektdiena, 2022. gada 13. maijs

Eurovision 2022

 So...! Since I now have gained quite a big supporter circle, I decided this year to write my annual Eurovision TOP in English. Everyone needs to expand their horizons, you know. So without any doubt next year, I will already be writing for ESC itself (of course I see no other way this may go, since I have dedicated my whole self for this for so many years now)! 😁

So without any further yapping around, let's get to the main point of this spectacular blog entry of mine - EUROVISION 2022! 

Like always I am starting with the best act of the whole Eurovision - and what a surprise - it's of course Latvia! So Latvian band Citi Zēni (Other Boys) - Eat your salad. Now I have to be honest, I thought that this year I am not going to say that Latvia was the best, because I really wanted Aminata with "Letting You Go" to go to the ESC and for a long time I was annoyed by Citi Zēni. BUT THEN! I saw how much effort they put into everything they were doing - interviews, performances, promoting themselves basically everywhere they went, also it deserves a great appreciation that they are actually playing real instruments and they sound great live. So I actually started to like the song, but it had to do a lot with their attitude towards everything. And lesbi honest when the whole Eurovision crowd was screaming the word "pussy" out loud, when Citi Zēni performed was a sign that their performance was just graape! (very exciting, that there are so much more puns in English than in Latvian 😅). And their performance was the real opening for the Eurovison. I must admit again - I excepted them to fail, but they actually managed to have the greatest performance of the whole Eurovison '22 (yes, nobody was better, please don't even try to convince me otherwise). And they didn't go to the finals, simply because it wouldn't be interesting for anyone to watch, because obviously they would win, duh!
So here you go - enjoy once more the best performance of the whole Eurovison '22 - Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad:

So after this has been said, let's move on to the ones who actually managed to get to the finals. Here's my already famous TOP 10:

10#  Finland - The Rasmus - Jezebel

Starting off with my teenage years - The Rasmus! Who would have thought that they would perform in Eurovison one day? 
This just really brings back memories. And when Lauri (I actually member his name 😆) was performing it seemed like it is actually his own concert, not Eurovison. So I think this overall is a performance of another level. It's nice that music like this kinda comes back. I like the whole staging - the balloons and the obvious reference to the movie IT 🤡
I really liked it, it deserves to be in my TOP 10! 🖤

#9 United Kingdom - Sam Ryder - SPACE MAN

This Man! Looks like a very interesting man! 😄
I just find it very interesting how he is singing - first high notes, and then he goes deeper and sounds almost like a country singer. And I just like his attitude very much - he is so positive - smiling all the time and it feels very genuine - like he is ACTUALLY A HAPPY PERSON! How many of those do you really see daily? 👀
So I just hope that when this man performs, he makes everyone's day a little bit better! 😌

#8 Ukraine - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania

I didn't put it as number one, yes. Simply because I really am putting in this top the songs which I like the most. But most probably Ukraine will win this year and I support it. I think that by voting for Ukraine in ESC will simply show again the attitude and support from European people. And Ukrainians need to see that support even if it is just a song contest. 

And I really do like the song, it's not here just because of the war. It's is just what Ukrainians do best - mix together their traditional music (and also they use authentic traditional instruments) with modern day elements. And they do it super good and in high quality, member last year's Ukrainian entry? - you can still hear it everywhere from time to time - that one was also super good. So I must say, that Ukrainians have found their own Eurovison song formula, which so far works perfectly! 

#7 Spain - Chanel - SloMo

The first time I heard this song and saw the performance - I though - Oh, it's just a little bit less attractive Camilla Cabello! 😍
The way she came up on the stage and danced, really reminded me of Camilla, but more Spanish really.
And now all of you, my 11 448 imaginary friends, will probably want to say - "Anne, not everyone who singing, dancing and looking like a little less attractive Camilla is the same - that's racist! And Camilla is not even the first to do this kind of music etc." 😴
How can it be racismo (read with Spanish accent), if I reeeeallly like Camilla Cabello. And I reeeeallly like Spanish entry in ESC, hmm? (and look at my 4th and 6th place by the way).
So, no hate (I even genuinely like some Christian people). Ok, I go eat a tortilla now (cheer up it's a joke 😂).

#6 Italy - Mahmood & Blanco - Brividi

I needed to listen to this more than once, until I actually started to really like it. And somehow I like it more when I actually SEE them both perform it. So no lies - if I would hear this song before on the radio, I would probably switch to another, but when I see them both sing together I wanna watch till the end and do this:

😂 No, but really - what I am trying to say, is that when they perform live, they create some kind of magic around them, that makes you want to continue watching and listening. So I don't know how they are doing it, but it whatever they are doing works!

#5 Norway - Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf A Banana.

Okay, I really don't know how they actually got so high in my top. I really thought I will be strong not to give in to this nonsense, but I'm weak of course. Songs like these always get to me and I am probably gonna sing this one the whole summer like an idiot... aaand probably will learn the dance too 🤦  

#4 Germany - Malik Harris - Rockstars

Well this is just the song that you may hear on the radio and feel like you have heard this song before and instantly love it. It has this nostalgic sound. The rap part reminds me of Macklemore a little bit (just a little bit - no need to get emotional, okay?) This is just a solid good song. Nothing to add! 😉

#3 Lithuania - Monika Liu - Sentimentai

If I wouldn't know I would have thought this is the French entry, but no it's actually Lithuanian! 😲
Monika is like a mix of the very famous Latvian Singer Nora Bumbiere and French Singer Mireille Mathieu. I mean it only in a good way by the way, see the picture I made in photoshop (I happen to be very skillful at it) as proof:

So you see that now, don't you? Anyway this is a super cool song, I know I am going to listen to it a lot for sure. It's very catchy and swinging. I like. 😄

#2 Iceland - Systur - Með Hækkandi Sól

So this may be big surprise to all of you, but I really enjoy this type of music - I would say it is folk pop (hope I am correct about it)..? This was the first song that I wanted to continue listen more and more. It's so soothing, all three of the girls are looking like they came out of the woods with those guitars and decided to sing for the city. Actually this song reminded me the Latvian entry in 2019 - Carousel - That Night, which I also enjoyed very much. So there you go - You might think it is boring, but I can't do nothing about it - I think the world needs more music like this (by the way Taylor Swift received a Grammy for her album Folklore in 2021, and yes of course it's Taylor Swift, but the whole album was folk-rock, folk-pop, so I am right that people need such music!)
So here you go - enjoy Iceland 😊

#1 Serbia - Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano

Oookay! So for a long time I actually thought that Iceland was going to be my winner, but when I saw the performance of Serbia in the second semi-final, and I realized that THIS is my winner! First it was just the weird woman singing this song which caught my eye right away, second - was the way they were doing everything on the stage and the song itself (melody and rhythm and also at one point they were singing like they are at the church, so that moment was made very cleverly), and third - there were a few translations added in their performance - which showed the real meaning of the song. So all pieces were put together perfectly for me. I really suggest everyone to read the lyrics (translated of course) of this song, so you can really understand the meaning of it (I usually don't like songs about mental health and everything, but this just seems to be on another level).
So yes, this year Serbia is the real winner this year, no matter what the results will actually be, just member that! 👌

Hey, this is it now. Hey, this is it now (Eurovison fans will know from witch song this is 😁).
Before I say goodbye, I just wanted to add that I think this year there were very many good songs. It was really hard to pick the 10 best ones. 
Like always I want to mention those, which didn't make it in my TOP 10 (random order now):
Greece: Amanda Georgiadi Tenfjord - Die Together - Very nice song, will probably listen more to it this year
Armenia - Rosa Linn - Snap - also super nice and simple song, which makes your brain rest. Also I will probably enjoy it later even more. And I really like the staging.
Estonia - Stefan - Hope - neighbors from EE this time had very nice song as well. Reminds me a little bit of  a calmer and more country Måns Zelmerlöw. But good song.
Also Romania, NetherlandsCzech Republic, SwedenAustralia, Croatia, Denmark,  Israel, GeorgiaMalta and France deserve to be mentioned from my side.

But now this really is it for this year. Notice, that I was trying to be really nice overall about everyone, because last year I said that the singer from Malta is fat and I became fat myself, so I know better now... 😞

So next year we shall meet again with even more supporters for sure! This year I prepared more as you see - much more detailed descriptions and everything.
Have a nice year - until the next ESC! 🤗🎵💖

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